Cinematic Color and Design
As stated in my first post, I physically cannot make a decent piece of art. But I do appreciate those who can. Therefore, I follow a bunch of artists. But out of all the people I follow across a bunch of different platforms, I don’t follow one photographer. Heck, I can’t even name a photographer.

So when I was asked who was my favorite, I had no clue. I follow a bunch of photo related accounts that reupload artists work with credit, but I honestly don’t pay much attention to who made the work. All I care is that the account gives the artist their due credit. I just scroll through their feed and stop when I see something interesting. That’s how I found Franck Bohbot.

Let me explain why Bohbot’s work caught and kept my attention. You see, I love cinematography. The art of telling story through camera work and style is just fascinating and beautiful. So while I was scrolling along and found Bohbot’s piece, I thought it was a still from a film. Bohbot has this style that makes his work look as if they could move. My words aren't enough.
I’ll let his work speak for itself.

His work has this lighting and stageing that seems coherient with the work of cinematographers. He and I share this same vision, that photos can tell a story, just by being in exsistance. Now, I can add a photographer to my list of favorite artists.
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