Art of Cinematography - Edger Wright

As I said before, I love cinematography. I am a huge film buff. I love watching, reading about, and just talking about movies. One thing that I love to do is just pause the movie and find all the little details I have missed on my intial viewing. A director who constanlty slips small details in scenes, and who happens to be one of my favorite directors, is Edger Wright.

Wright's filmography includes films such as Shaun of the Dead, Hot Fuzz, The World's End, Baby Driver, and my personal favorite, Scott Pilgrim Vs. The World. Because Wright includes so much visual information in each sceane, each frame could be taken a presented as a photograph.

Wright works in the movie industry, where there is hardly any single frames. A movie is supposed to fluidly link each frame together to make a coherient scene. But with Wright's direction, the story is still rolling along even if the film is paused on a frame.

The reason I am drawn to visual storytelling is how a picture can convey so much feeling in so little time. Sometimes these pictures express emotions and feelings that couldn't be shown through just dialogue. Over all the films I've seen, I believe Edger Wright consitanly creates films that not only deliver story though dialogue but through their visuals as well.


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